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As a degree qualified holistic nutritionist these are some things I am planning for my postpartum period to help me feel my best during what can be a tricky time to stay on top of self care.

As a degree qualified holistic nutritionist these are some things I am planning for my postpartum period to help me feel my best during what can be a tricky time to stay on top of self care.

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As I approach the third trimester of pregnancy, I am spending a lot of time preparing for the baby's arrival. I have the (overwhelming) list of things that we need to acquire (buy, borrow, kindly receive) over the next 3 months. I am starting to negotiate my mat leave period with Elle (how fun is having a baby when self employed!) I am planning a baby shower, having sessions with my doula, I am booked in to hypnobirthing classes and breastfeeding info sessions - all of the things they tell you to do. Additionally I am hyperaware of how important it is to really fuel, nourish and support my body during those first few months after birth. Healing my body, whilst supporting my mental health so that I can provide the best care for my baby. I am using my nutritional knowledge to really set myself up for success during those first few months.
As a degree qualified holistic nutritionist these are some things I am planning for my postpartum period to help me feel my best during what can be a tricky time to stay on top of self care... hopefully this is helpful for you too!

Eat the Rainbow Every Day!
Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants (think berries, beetroot, purple cabbage, red capsicum, pumpkin, leafy greens, oranges, kiwi fruit and many more). Regular consumption of antioxidants from whole food sources are more beneficial than from supplements. Abundant antioxidants in the diet support the immune system and are crucial for healing and repair of tissues. They prevent oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and support mental health by reducing the risk of postnatal anxiety and depression.

Include Protein at Every Meal.

Firstly ensure to have a protein rich breakfast. Protein balances blood glucose levels to sustain energy and mood throughout the day. Protein rich breakfast options include eggs or beans on wholegrain sourdough, a veggie frittata, a smoothie with protein powder, overnight oats made with soy milk, full fat natural yogurt + nuts/seeds + fruit. Consuming sufficient protein supports hormone production to improve sleep and mental / emotional health. Adequate protein is also required for optimal immune function, tissue healing and repair. Protein sources are usually rich in minerals too. The recommended (daily) dietary intake of protein for lactating women is 1.1g/kg of body weight per day. For example if you weigh 50kg you need 55g of protein per day, at the very least.

Eat Nutrient Dense Foods.
Every time we eat it is an opportunity to fuel the body to help it optimally perform all its crucial processes. Our nourishment supports energy levels, it directly affects our hormones, our immunity and our mental health. What do we mean by "nutrient dense food"? Take toast for example: white sliced bread provides simple carbohydrates (sugar!). Wholegrain sourdough provides complex carbohydrates, fibre, protein, minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron, also B vitamins. Just small changes like swapping your morning toast can significantly contribute to your intake of nutrients.

Eat Fibre Rich Foods.
Fibre is only found in plant-foods. Animal products do not contain fibre. Aim to include whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, wholegrain bread, rolled oats, buckwheat, barley, etc.), legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas), fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet every day. Fibre consumption supports gut health and therefore countless aspects of our health and wellbeing. It promotes detoxification pathways including regulating bowel motions to limit stress on the already compromised post-birth pelvic floor. Fibre also aids in estrogen clearance, supports blood glucose regulation and provides prebiotic fuel for a healthy microbiome.

Stay Hydrated.
Breastfeeding Mamas should aim to have 2.5 - 3 litres of fluids per day. Water, herbal teas, non-caffeinated drinks, brothy soups and juicy fruit and veggies help us stay hydrated. Both caffeinated and alcoholic drinks not only contribute to dehydration, they can also drive feelings of anxiety. Proper hydration supports lactation, promotes circulation for improved healing and encourages detoxification pathways.

Eat What Makes You Happy.
Allow cravings. If you keep putting off what you actually feel like eating you will likely end up eating it later anyway. Adequate fibre, protein and water throughout the day can help to reduce sugar cravings but if you feel like a cookie - go for it! Postpartum is a time for self care, self love and nourishment. It is not a time for restriction or making things harder on yourself than they already are. Allow yourself to include "treats" amongst regular programming.

Supplement if you need to
You can continue to take your prenatal supplement during the postpartum period or preferably work with a health professional for targeted, specific, personalised supplementation options. The nutritional requirements of a breastfeeding mother are generally higher than at any other time in her life.

Hopefully you have found this information useful for either yourself or to pass on to a loved one. I look forward to sharing the rest of my journey with you.

Daisy x

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