Financial Security for Mamas:  4 Things You Need in Place to Thrive

Financial Security for Mamas: 4 Things You Need in Place to Thrive

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Financial Security for Mamas:  4 Things You Need in Place to Thrive

How did this happen? This wasn’t part of the plan!

Here I was with two small children, one hundred percent dependent on me. No family. No husband. No income, nor the physical ability to go out and get it. I was in a dark, dark place of hopelessness. The uncertainty of my financial future was paralysing.

Yet, I kept on going.

Because I had to.

The beauty of reaching a low point is that it is the inflection point for an up.

When things cannot get any worse, strangely, it becomes more possible for things to get better as there is nothing more to lose.

I don’t want you to ever reach this point.

As a finance professional, you’d think that I would have had a fabulous financial plan in place before stopping work to have kids.

I hate to break it to you, but finance professionals don’t always follow their own advice. In fact, just like a builder’s house is never finished, many finance professionals are the worst at managing their own finances!

Besides, I had a husband for that. 

He was also a finance professional, so I figured I was in good hands, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Everything went wrong. Nothing went to plan – because we didn’t have one.

Divorce came and once I took a look at our financial position, I was shocked at just how bad it was. I was going to have to start all over again.

But how do you do that with two small children, no family to support you, and an income hiatus?  

This is the point I was at when I discovered my system for Love Luck Wealth ®. It’s a system that helps you to do money better now (no matter what point you’re at), and it works especially well for women because newsflash: women do money differently to men!

From one mother to another, and here are four tips to help you feel more safe and secure financially (whether you’re in a relationship or not). It’s a taste of the Love Luck Wealth ® system.  

Financial Security Tip #1 – Never handover your power

Whether you’re contributing to your family financially or not, always take part in financial decisions because the moment you hand over your power to someone else, you’re out of the driver’s seat of your own life.

This includes financial advisors.

Just like no one is a better carer for your children, no one is a better custodian of your own money than you. Trust that. If you need to brush up on your financial skills, do so. If you do use a finance professional, ask questions, do your research and trust your instincts. If they can’t explain their advice in a way you understand, they’re not doing their job – find another one.

For those of you with partners, remember, just like you can’t leave all of the love in a relationship up to one partner, you also can’t leave all of the financial responsibility up to one partner.

Please take part.

Ask questions. Know where you stand. Ensure that your non-financial contribution is acknowledged and respected by both you and your partner. Self-worth starts with you. Life reflects back to you your thoughts and feelings about yourself. When you lift the quality of your thoughts, you lift the quality of your life.

Financial Security Tip #2 – Have a plan

If you don’t know where your money is going, someone else will. And it will be via their agenda not yours.

Did you know that only 3% of people have a goal and less than 1% write their goals down? Here’s another mind-blowing fact for you …

You’re 42% more likely to reach your financial goals just by writing them down and reviewing them regularly.

That’s massive!

Do you have a financial plan? Begin yours by clarifying:

  1. Your starting position (I have a free Net wealth Calculator here).
  2. Where you want to be and by when (describe what your goal looks and feels like in words and numbers).
  3. Brainstorm 50 different ways you can begin to close the gap (yes, 50, the gold will be in the last 4, promise). 
  4. Start!

Write this information down and review it regularly. Don’t overthink it. Be honest. Believe in possibility and think positive. Your future self will thank you!

Financial Security Tip #3 – BE Financially Secure NOW

Financial security doesn’t just come from a heathy income stream, it’s created from a healthy mindset and energy too.

This is not philosophy, it’s physics! You can access this now.

Everything is energy, including you. Your thoughts and feelings are influencing your magnetic field as we speak to attract or repel people, circumstances and events into your life.

Take note of the parts of your life that already feel secure (like the love for your child or the sunshine streaming through your window) and feel into them with gratitude for a full 20 seconds - this activates the quantum field.

Next, tap into the feeling of financial security as if it has already happened for you. Who would you be if you were 100% financially secure? How would you hold yourself; how would you talk; how would you make decisions?

BE that version of you now. Your perspective will shift as well as your energy and you will activate The Law of Attraction which is just as real as The Law of Gravity – just ask Einstein.

Financial Security Tip #4 – Worrying Keeps You Stuck

Worrying about your finances is like praying for what you do not want. It’s negative manifesting so, please don’t do it!

Stop worrying about what can go wrong and start focusing on what can go right because you’ll never find a solution to your financial problems until you accept that a solution is actually possible.

Read that last part again.

Once you believe that a financial solution is possible, you open the door of possibility and allow the ideas, connections and synchronicities to come in.  

So, what are you thinking about? For the next 24 hours, catch yourself when you’re thinking negatively about money and decide to choose another, more positive thought. Ponder what could go right rather than what could go wrong and watch the beautiful synchronicities flow in. You will begin to feel better and, once you’re feeling better, you will attract positive opportunities into your life! 

I hope these words resonated with you. Remember, nothing will change in your financial reality until you do. It all starts with you. The thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions you are taking now are creating your future. Nurture yours and you will reap the rewards.

financial security for mums

Julia Scott, founder of Love Luck Wealth ®, is a financial coach and mentor for women. With over 20 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant, Tax Advisor, and Wealth Management Specialist, Julia is also certified in Money Mindset and the Energy of Wealth. This is her unique point of difference. Julia helps people all over the world let go of money blocks and set up financial systems so that they can earn more and build lasting wealth for financial relaxation.

Learn more at

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