The Crucial Role of Support During Postpartum - Navigating the fourth trimester

The Crucial Role of Support During Postpartum - Navigating the fourth trimester

3 minute read

The Crucial Role of Support During Postpartum

Navigating the fourth trimester

       Author Elisha Wildblood + Louise Barton of Not Another Onesie 

The early postpartum period is a beautifully chaotic and gloriously messy time for new mothers, as you care for your newborn while often dealing with exhaustion and isolation. Seeking support is crucial for your wellbeing and can come in different forms, such as family, friends, local community and healthcare professionals. It’s not a sign of weakness to seek support but a necessary step towards a healthy and positive postpartum experience.

During the fourth trimester, it’s important to have someone to rely on. Postpartum doulas can help with emotional, practical, and nutritional support at home or virtually. Matrescence coaches, counsellors, or psychologists can offer guidance and emotional support to help navigate the complexities of motherhood.

This is the time to prioritise healing and bonding with your baby, rather than getting swamped with household chores. You matter Mama and your healing matters. It is important to seek help from family and friends to aid in your recovery. Setting up a meal or task train to share the load can also be helpful. It’s an invaluable investment to order meals made specifically to nourish and heal the postpartum body and if possible hire a cleaner to take care of household duties. Social support from mother’s groups and mums and bubs groups are vital to share experiences and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Physical support is so important so you can heal and adjust after giving birth. Proper rest is vital for recovery. We recommend seeking a trained physiotherapist who specialises in postpartum healing and pelvic health recovery. Hands-on therapies like massage, osteopathy, and chiropractic care can also restore the body’s vitality and strength.

Consider seeking support from a naturopath, nutritionist, or integrative health practitioner postpartum to identify and address any deficiencies caused by pregnancy. A naturopath can ensure that proper nutrition is available for the demands of breastfeeding, the physical demands of new motherhood, and the healing process.

Feeding and settling a baby is not always an innate skill and requires learning. Breastfeeding can also be a challenge for so many mothers, but there are incredible support services available for mothers who need them. A lactation consultant can be of great help in achieving your feeding goals and improving your confidence and skills. A family sleep specialist can help set realistic expectations around infant sleep and how to work with your baby’s temperament to ensure the family manages as much rest as possible.

Mama, you matter!

We have created a beautiful Ebook that goes into much greater detail, with space to make notes,  that can be downloaded here for free.

If all this sounds great but you don’t know where to start … book a chat with us and we will be right beside you to help guide you to find exactly the right support for you.


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