Visiting a newborn - what to consider. It is such an exciting time once you've had the baby and are ready to go home from the hospital. You start to send photos to friends and family, make an announcement on social media - brimming with love and warmth, wanting to share your new creation with your world. It can also be a time of anxiety and worry, that although you want to share your baby with your loved ones, you want to protect them also. You do want people to come and meet them, but you want them to understand all of the feelings inside you, how vulnerable you are feeling and that you need the visit to be done on your terms. It can be hard to have these conversations with those closest to us. That's why we have created a list that you can send around before the baby arrives of things to consider when visiting a newborn, letting everyone know how you feel and what you expect if they visit when you get home. Heck, print it out and place it around your baby shower to really set expectations early on.
Visiting a newborn - what to consider?
- Don't visit if you are sick
- Wash your hands on arrival
- Organise a meal delivery for new parents
- Protect my newborn bubble - don't bring stress into the environment
- Help to clean and tidy when you visit
- Don't expect to be hosted
- Offer to help with other kids or pets
- Avoid giving advice about parenting unless I ask
- Offer to help with the baby so that I can shower or eat
- Give the baby back to me if it starts to cry
- Make me a drink - water, tea - hydration, hyrdration, hydration
- Encourage my rest - visit on time, don't overstay, don't make me feel bad if I cancel.
Don't forget to organise a meal delivery for the new parents.